Zionism is still viewed by many people in the West, Russia and China as "having a right to exist" because it is Jewish. But Zionism is an ideology of replacing Palestine with Israel by importing Jews from all over the world, to achieve a demographic majority and racial hegemony.. This is unacceptable because in is genocidal in nature.
Palestine and Palestinian nation, on the other hand, have been there when the invaders came. Palestinians are a multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious nation that do not and should not submit to erasure and replacement by imported colonizers.
The whole matter is entirely twisted in the "white world" mind because Zionism is Jewish and therefore is seen as something noble.
To that, we must add the deep-sitting racism of the Western society that views Middle East as barbarian and savage, in need of being "civilized".
There is no other solution, if justice still matters in this world, than dismantlement of Zionism and "Israel", replacing it with a state of Palestine with equal political rights for all citizens and the right of return for the expelled Palestinians and their descendants.