what is antisemitic about opposing Zionism? It is Zionism that it is antisemitic and hating, as it claims that Israel is doing what it is doing BECAUSE IT IS JEWS. No one in his sane mind would implicate all Jews in what Israel is doing, except antisemites. Which this "Jewish State" is - to and thru antisemitic. Not only it calls itself "Jewish State", but it is THE Jewish State - that is, pretends to speak for all Jews. What can be more antisemitic? Are you saying that Israel cannot be treated as any other state would be treated and must instead be singled out and treated as 'JEWS' instead of a State like any other State? That is again in the IHRA definition of antisemitism. Who is antisemitic, the one who treats Zionism as a political ideology and Israel as a political entity - or the one who says that it is JEWS?