What if YOU honestly study how a bunch of white European bourgeois and religious elites decided to declare themselves direct descendants of ancient Hebrews and initiate a primitive settler-colonial project of grabbing a Middle-eastern land under the pretext of "returning to the ancient homeland"? When colonialism was "good" they called themselves "Jewish colonial project in Palestine". When colonialism became illegal they promptly switched to "self-defense" and "antisemitism" and the phrase "Jewish colonialism" became antisemitic. The white European Jews who ambushed Palestine in the 1920's and 30's had of course nothing to do with historic Palestinian Jews. In fact, they hated these Arab Jews and saw them as "untermenschen" and the country as savage. “This is the immigration of a race we have not yet known in the country (edit: Mizrahi Jews). We are dealing with people whose primitivism is at a peak, whose level of knowledge is one of virtually absolute ignorance and, worse, who have little talent for understanding anything intellectual. Generally, they are only slightly better than the general level of the Arabs, Negroes, and Berbers in the same regions. In any case, they are at an even lower level than what we know with regard to the former Arabs of Israel. These Jews also lack roots in Judaism, as they are totally subordinated to savage and primitive instincts. As with Africans you will find among them gambling, drunkenness, and prostitution … chronic laziness and hatred for work; there is nothing safe about this asocial element. [Even] the kibbutzim will not hear of their absorption.”
(Aryeh Gelblum writing in Ha’aretz about the arriving Mizrahi immigrants in 1949, Ha’aretz (Tel Aviv), Apr. 22, 1949.)
David Ben-Gurion described the Mizrahi immigrants as lacking even “the most elementary knowledge” or “a trace of Jewish or human education.”
(Shohat, “Mizrahim in Israel,” p. 3.)
“We do not want Israelis to become Arabs. We are bound by duty to fight against the spirit of the Levant that corrupts individuals and society.”
(Ben-Gurion, Sami Smooha, Israel: Pluralism and Conflict (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978) p. 88.)
“We have to recognize the primitive mentality of many of the immigrants from backward countries.”
He further suggested that Mizrahi Jews have the mentality of primitive people who are somewhat “mentally disturbed”.
(Karl Frankenstein, the man considered the “father of the Israeli education system”, 1950s, quoted in Sami Shalom Chetrit, Hamaavak Hamizrahi Beyisrael, Bein Dikui Leshihrur, Bein Hizdahut Lealternativa, 1948–2003 (Tel Aviv: Am Oved, 2004), pp. 76–8.)
Israeli sociologist Yosef Gross argued in the early 1950s that Mizrahi immigrants suffered from “mental regression.”
(Quoted in Ella Shohat, “Rupture and Return: A Mizrahi Perspective on the Zionist Discourse,” The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies, May 2001, pp. 58–71)
“one of the great apprehensions which afflict us is the danger of the predominance of immigrants of Oriental origin forcing Israel to equalize its cultural level with that of the neighboring world.”
(Abba Eban, whose career saw him as Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister, Education Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, ambassador to the United States and to the United Nations and Vice President of the United Nations General Assembly; Sami Smooha, Israel: Pluralism and Conflict (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978) p. 88.)
“A Jew from Eastern Europe is worth twice as much as a Jew from Kurdistan…..We should return a hundred thousand of the Jews of the East to their countries of origin.”
(Nachum Goldman, chairman of the Jewish Agency and president of the World Zionist Organization in the late 1940s and 1950s; Chetrit, Hamaavak Hamizrahi Beyisrael, p. 65.)
“Shall we be able to elevate these immigrants to a suitable level of civilization?”
(Golda Meir, Smooha, Israel: Pluralism and Conflict, pp. 8–89.)
Despite the blatant racism towards what the “founders of Israel” saw as second class Jews, they needed to make up the numbers for what was again, after fifty years, a failing colonization project.
And what if these white European-descent supremacists were indeed some distant relatives of the ancient Hebrews? Does it give them any right to turn history back 2000 years and perpetrate crimes against humanity, such as population replacement and settling of an already populated land by means of removal of human beings? How about we come into your house and say that our religious book says that we lived on this place 2000 years ago? We will kill your family and drive you out at the gun point and then say that you are a terrorist?
Or will you now start another Hasbara point about "Jews were expelled from Arab lands" which is a total lie, as the documents reveal what kind of inhuman terror was perpetrated by white Zionists in Arab countries, to force Jews to flee to Israel, so they can improve their demographics and have more cannon fodder?