Thank you, Rima, for exposing the reality. "Zionism" as a movement is still idealized in the West and being whitewashed and defended up to the point that condemning Zionism almost equals wishing Jews to be killed again. They say "Zionism can be different than the kind of Zionism that perpetrated Naqba and is engaged in ethnic cleansing. One should not lump all Zionists together, we must fight to ensure that a gentle, liberal, kind Zionism wins over Zionism of Netanyahu or Bennett". However, this "kind and liberal" Zionism is nowhere to be seen. No matter how "kind" Zionism is, the essence remains the same: there are Jewish colonizers who want the indigenous population out. What "national liberation" can we talk about if such "liberation" is built on a precondition of erasing another people? How such erasure can be "liberal" or "gentle"? As James Baldwin had once said, in regards to a "gentle" white oppressor: "I can't believe what you say, because I see what you do".