Of course, thank you. It is not "mine" and it is not an analysis. It is simply so. Zionists are most rabid antisemites, because since the 1947 UN vote, they committed horrific crimes against humanity (not only in Palestine, also in Asia, South America, Europe, East Europe, former USSR republics, Africa and broader Middle East, per terrorism, sabotage, assassinations, subversion, inflltration, bribery, blackmail, false flags) - and ALL THE TIME they claim that this is who all Jews really are and must be. At the same time, they add the crime of shameless lies to that, saying that they have not done any of this, and if they have, it is nobody's business, and if it is someone's business, he/she is just antisemitic. They are drowning in their own lies and put a blood libel on all Jews worldwide. The great Tom Suarez wrote a lot about it. Here is one article about why Zionism is REAL antisemitism. https://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1476/clear-the-smoke-and-mirrors/