Mia, you write: “Zionism may be part of this system in some fashion, but the Jewish people themselves are victims of white supremacy.”
- what does Zionism have to do with “Jewish people”? are you saying that Zionism is inherently Jewish and that every Jew is expected to be a Zionist?
- If by “Jewish people” you mean Zionists, how is that these “victims of white supremacy” have murdered 9.5 THOUSAND of Palestinians (Arabs that you supposedly care about so much), more than 3 THOUSAND of them children, ONLY since September 2000? Note that your brothers and sisters are all unarmed and demilitarized by Zionists, whereas Zionism has one of the most advanced killing machine (“military”) in the world. Zionism has orchestrated the US’ “war” with Iraq, which has killed over 2.4 MILLION of Iraqi Arabs . This war was made possible by the Clean Break strategy of the think-tank for Israel, PNAC and AIPAC. Recently, it was Zionist Arabophobic campaign that attempted to smear ARAB American Conrgesswomen Tlaib and Omar, perpetrating defamation and libel, using the slogans “terrorist un-American” and “rabid antisemite”! Today, Zionists worldwide are incessantly plotting to crush Iran, Hezbollah and Iraqi resistance. At the Zionist command, one of the most prominent fighters against ISIS, general Soleimani, was barbarically assassinated.
Zionism is a form of Nazism that has unlawfully conquered the Middle East, perpetrating unspeakable atrocities against Arab people of all nations: Palestinians, Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis — all nations that stand in the Zionist way. It is a dangerous blindness, if not worse, to seemingly care about some discrimination of Arabs in the “white world”, at the same time seeing Zionist fascism as VICTIMS. It is also outrageous to conflate Zionism with “Jews”, same as conflating Hitlerism with being German.
I have many friends from the Middle East, living there or being refugees, expelled by Zionist ethnic cleansing or by Zionist wars. What you are saying, is practically an evidence that Macolm X was right: “If you are not careful, the newspapers will make you support the oppressor and hate the oppressed”. In this case, it is seeing the oppressor as a “victim of white supremacy”.
I hope you will not engage in hollow “antisemitism” accusations, since Zionism is an ideology and not a race or ethnicity. The great Tom Suarez (the author of “The State Of Terror”) writes: “Zionism’s goals are irredeemably counter to the right of Jews to live in security, equality, and dignity. Zionism’s security requires Jewish insecurity; its political objectives demand Jewish tribalism; and Israel’s claim to act in the name of Jews is an affront to Jewish dignity. Since our governments, media, and many institutions have allowed themselves to be corrupted in Zionism’s service, the psychosis it has nurtured is not Israel’s private affair. Ending our governments’ and institutions’ complicity is our right and obligation.”