Martin Luther King naively believed Zionist fairy tales about “Jewish self-determination”. He supported Zionism, but criticized Israel for what it was doing in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. He was too naive to expect “true Zionists” to be true to international law, because he did not see that “Jewish self determination” was set up to be achieved on top of other people and at the cost of others. Hi simply had no idea, as many Americans had no idea how it was done in the reality, behind the smoke screen of “Jewish rights”. Therefore he held a view that anti-Zionism is antisemitic. Today, as the world understands the settler-colonial nature of the Zionist experiment, it becomes harder to lure the international community into support of “Jewish national rights”, because no other group of people in the world asserts that its national rights are only achievable if other people’s national rights are erased. The fact that Zionist project insists that Jewish self-determination requires subjugation, domination and removal of other people on the same land, says it all — it is not self-determination, it is a simple conquest and ethnic cleansing. It cannot be allowed to go on.