Look, Richard, this "completely pulled out" talking point is from the hasbara instruction book at least 15 years old. It is really old, stale and does not sell anymore. I know you are just lying. You know it too. But for the others, I will give some history how this "pull out" happened.
May 2003
«Israeli law-makers, intellectuals and even government officials are becoming increasingly open about exploring «prospective solutions» for Palestinian demographic growth in Israel and the occupied territories, with the suggested solutions ranging from collective deportation to institutionalised apartheid.
Meetings, seminars, symposia and workshops are springing up throughout the Jewish state, all bearing, more or less, the same message: unless Israel does something to curb Palestinian population growth, Jews will become a minority in the area of the pre-1948 Palestine mandate (Israel and the occupied territories) within 19 years.
On Monday, 16 July, the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee held an «exploratory session,» in which participants discussed «the Arab demographic threat» and the «dangers facing the survival of Israel as a Jewish state.»
The meeting was attended by several experts, including Haifa University’s Arnon Sofer, who advocates «radical solutions for solving the looming demographic problem» facing Israel.
Calling the current demographic situation a threat to Israel’s existence, Sofer pointed out that, by the year 2020, and if the present demographic trends were not reversed, Jews in mandated Palestine would be a minority, outnumbered by Arabs by 20 per cent.
He said that there were already equal numbers of Arabs and Jews in the combined Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with the Jewish population reaching 4.9 million and the Arabs 4.8 million.
The number of Jews, he added, would grow to 6.4 million in 2020, with the corresponding figure for non-Jews topping 8.8 million.»
«If there is a demographic problem, and there is, it is with the Israeli Arabs who will remain Israeli citizens,..The Declaration of Independence said Israel should be a Jewish and democratic state, but to ensure the Jewish character was not engulfed by demography, it was necessary to ensure a Jewish majority, he said.
If Israel’s Arabs become well integrated and reach 35-40 percent of the population, there will no longer be a Jewish state but a bi-national one, he said. If Arabs remain at 20 percent but relations are tense and violent, this will also harm the state’s democratic fabric.] «Therefore a policy is needed that will balance the two.»
— Benjamin Netanyahu, 2003
November 2003
«the government of Israel is going to have to address the demographic issue with the utmost seriousness and resolve. This issue above all others will dictate the solution that we must adopt. In the absence of a negotiated agreement… we need to implement a unilateral alternative.» – Ehud Olmert
«The demographer Arnon Sofer of Haifa University is the architect of the current isolation of Gaza. In 2004, he advised the government of Ariel Sharon to withdraw Israeli forces from within Gaza, seal the territory off from the outside world, and simply shoot anyone who tries to break out. “When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe,” Sofer told an interviewer in the Jerusalem Post (11 November 2004); “Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today, with the aid of an insane fundamentalist Islam. The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill. All day, every day.” He added that “the only thing that concerns me is how to ensure that the boys and men who are going to have to do the killing will be able to return home to their families and https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/05/16/kill-and-kill-and-kill/ be normal human beings.”
So you really believe that all this is not evil at all, people just "hate Jews"? You really believe that Zionist main objective of replacing the population, Judaization of the country and erasing the history that Palestine has never existed, is not evil? You really believe that the world will tolerate a wholesale slaughter of unarmed civilians in HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS (absolutely incomparable with any Palestinian resistance' harm to Israeli Jews, besides who would NOT resist being killed on an industrial scale and all history erased??)? You really believe that Zionism is not evil after what it has done to the land and to Palestinian nation? And stop using "Jewish people" as human shields, Zionism does not speak for nor represent any Jews, except for the vile racist supremacists that chant "kill all Arabs" and "flatten Gaza" and call the entire nation "human animals".