Jews as a group of course have a right to be citizens. Palestinian people, who are diverse ethnically and religiously, including Palestinian Jews, also have a right to be fully recognized citizens. It means that a state is needed in which all people on this land have equal national rights and political status.
I do not know how and why anyone Jewish would claim that political status and citizens rights must be only Jewish. Jews who want the Jewish State instead of all other people around them, should be re-educated into human equality.
Before white Zionist colonizers came into Palestine, nobody had any idea to divide the people on "Jews" and "Arabs". Palestinian indigenous Arab Jews never wanted to usurp the land or the area for themselves, although it is most certainly their homeland, unlike the according to the claim of white European German, Russian or Polish Jews.
There is no "coexistence" of "Jews and Arabs", there is simply a decent human solution to have a state with equal rights for all and the Right of Return for all who were expelled.
For Zionist Jews, it is unacceptable to live with anyone else as equals. They are backward tribalists and this ideology should not have any place in human society. It has already been exported to target other countries for colonial possession, like Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, Lebanon, even Russia and Iran.