If you don't like Ben Gurion's quote, I will give you Chaim Weizmann's quote from his speech at Peel Commission, published.
"I now address myself to those with whom I have not always been
politically at one. I speak not as a Mizrachi, but as a deeply religious
man, although not a strict observer of the religious ritual. I make a
sharp distinction between the present realities and the Messianic
hope, which is part of our very selves, a hope embedded in our
traditions and sanctified by the martyrdom of thousands of years, a
hope which the nation cannot forget without ceasing to be a nation.
A time will come when there shall be neither enemies nor frontiers,
when war shall be no more, and men will be secure in the dignity of
man. Then Eretz Israel will be ours.
I told the Commission: God has promised Eretz Israel to the Jews.
This is our Charter. But we are men of our own time, with limited
horizons, heavily laden with responsibility towards the generations
to come. I told the Royal Commission that the hopes of six million
Jews are centered on emigration. Then I was asked: But can you bring
six million to Palestine?” I replied, ’No. I am acquainted with the
laws of physics and chemistry, and know the force of material factors. In our generation I divide the figure by three, and you can see in
that the depth of the Jewish tragedy: two millions of youth, with
their lives before them, who have lost the most elementary of rights,
the right to work’.
The old ones will pass, they will bear their fate, or they will not.
They are dust, economic and moral dust in a cruel world. And again I
thought of our tradition. What is tradition? It is telescoped memory.
We remember. Thousands of years ago we heard the words of Isaiah
and Jeremiah, and my words are but a weak echo of what was said by
our Judges, our Singers, and our Prophets. Two millions, and per
haps less: Sche’erit Hapleta — only a remnant shall survive. We
have to accept it. The rest we must leave to the future, to our youth."
He practically endorses the extermination of the Diaspora by Nazis, in order to bring to Palestine the young and strong ones, to be used as a work cattle. Page 286.