I repeat: 1) this is Brendan Devenney's report, not mine. He passed away last week and I am trying to preserve his legacy. 2) this year, 2015, was especially pivotal in history, and this was the year when Ali Dawabshe and his family were burned alive - which gave rise to Israels fantasies about "hamas" burning their babies.
And the history and timeline of Zionist crimes against humanity, in Palestine and beyond, starting in the 19th Century, is extremely important to document, with all details, with all dates and years. It is not enough to say "So what, they have been doing it for 80 years". Otherwise the historians, such as Ussama Makdisi, Tom Suarez, Ilan Pappe, Avi Shlaim - can be all dismissed and we can be just emoting away, without historical analysis and synthesis. So yes, 2015-16 were very important years to focus on.