Double standard is what this State has been built on. Same as Israel. "Rights for me, but not for you because you are bad, because you are so violent demanding the same rights as me, how dare you". Zionism demanded human rights for "Jews" at the expense of whoever was already there when they wanted the space for themselves. Chaim Weizmann said in 1918:
“[The democratic principle] does not take into account the fact that there is a fundamental qualitative difference between Jew and Arab.” - still the exact same attitude when looking at Israel, that is why it is called "conflict", it is a conflict of "Arabs" refusing to accept that they must be inferior.
Never before Zionism, in the history of oppressed minorities on religious or racial grounds, it has been proclaimed that in order to fight persecution, one must enforce segregation so that the minority must be removed. Only Zionism declared that to fight antisemitism, one must remove Jews from Europe, physically or at least spiritually, make them beholden to a segregated Jewish State. Why did Zionists demanded the segregation of Jews instead of integration and assimilation? Because as Herzl said, Gentiles are ALWAYS inherently antisemitic and hostile to Jews. Is it not SICK to believe that? Yet it is precisely what Zionists believe. In the US, the Black community has been brainwashed for decades that "White" man is inherently racist - by Zionists! And there are many Black people who believe that. Should they organize a campaign for creation of a Black State somewhere on the African continent? Chase out some already existing population and immigrate over there? And call it "fighting racism"? Why are Black people struggling for civil rights at home, but Jews must fight antisemitism by segregation? Herzl himself said that antisemitism increased due to segregation of Jewish Diaspora communities from the general body of citizens in the countries of their dwelling - so how come he, at the same time, proposed to fight antisemitism by INCREASING this segregation? Since when racial segregation is a means how one fights racism?