Basically, ideological differences and political disagreements do not and should not define personal relationships. People love each other not for what they think or what they believe in. Strangely as it seems. I know families where husband and wife completely disagree on the issues of Zionism, American propaganda, Republican-Democrat dichotomy, etc. One supports Clinton and loves her, another thinks that Clinton is a war criminal and a psychopath. They simply never bring these issues up among themselves. I also have friends who believe in the opposite principles than I do. People are not made up of ideology only. It is perfectly possible that Rebecca’s husband is in total denial of what Israel in as a regime and sees Israel as a “normal” state, just as the US does wrong but is still a sovereign state. I have many Israeli friends who simply do not have any opinion on Israel’s apartheid, colonialism and ethnic cleansing, because… they don’t believe that there is any apartheid, colonialism and ethnic cleansing, only “birth pangs” as Israel is a “young state”.
However, in the case of Rebecca herself, she and JVP as she leads it, do covertly stand by Israel as a state, because they see it as “Jewish”. JVP believes that the struggle to end Israel as the Jewish State is “antisemitic”. Rebecca does not see that what makes Israel illegitimate has nothing to do with “Jewishness”: Israel must go because it is a settler-colonialist regime, whose essence is supremacist-racist, based on elimination of the people deemed to be “lesser”, “terrorist”, “demographic threat”, “backward Arabs”. Israel must go because it is based on apartheid and domination of one ethno-religious group over all others. Israel must go and vanish from the page of time, because it demands that self-determination of one people must have a precondition of denying self-determination to all other people in the region. All that has nothing to do with Jews as a people and there is nothing inherently Jewish in Israel’s construct. The exact same racist-supremacist ethnic cleansing and “nation-perfection” have been in play in Jim Crow America (and KKK), in Hitler’s Third Reich, apartheid South Africa.
But JVP and Rebecca seem to think that the struggle to end Israel altogether is “antisemitic”… or equals the desire to “harm Jews”. Unfortunately, this is still a “mainstream consensus” worldwide — that to abolish and outlaw Zionism means antisemitism and implies genocidal objectives.
I can never forget what Rebecca has done to smear, defame and character-assassinate Alison Weir for “Against Our Better Judgement” book. Rebecca’s behavior exposed her commitment to protect Zionism from accusations, because apparently she emotionally identifies accusations of Zionism with accusations of Jews. And she probably believes that accusing Jews of anything is antisemitic.