As an Israeli dissident Aaron Turgeman said, Zionism is worse than Nazism because they have established a narrative that they are victims instead of perpetrators. Because Zionist race-supremacy and genocide based on race is grassroots. It does not come from the top, from the State, as it was with Nazism. It comes from so-called ordinary people in Israel and worldwide who are pro-Israel. It is done with glee and the deadly mix of self-entitlement, supremacy and victim-whining. The Zionist grass roots fascists from all corners don't argue with you ideologically or per discussion. They immediately accuse you of irrational emotional hate and scream that if you want to stop Zionists, you hate all Jews. Jews, in their sick minds, must be genocidal in order to survive. Zionists are worst enemies of Jews and worst antisemites. Nazis did not whine that the world hates Germans when they fought in WWII.